Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kindness as a Lifestyle

 Kindness as a Lifestyle

When adopted as a lifestyle, kindness transforms communities by fostering a culture of compassion and mutual respect. It extends beyond mere acts of courtesy; it becomes a guiding principle in human interactions, shaping the fabric of communal relationships. A lifestyle of kindness involves consistently choosing empathy over indifference, understanding over judgment, and support over neglect.

Colossians 3:12 - Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved,
compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, 

 In a community, the ripple effect of kindness is profound. Small acts, such as helping a neighbor with groceries, listening attentively to someone in distress, or offering a smile to a stranger, can significantly uplift the spirit of individuals. These gestures create a sense of belonging and security, reinforcing the idea that everyone is valued and cared for. As people experience kindness, they are inspired to reciprocate, creating a cycle of goodwill that enhances communal harmony. 

Romans 12:18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, 

live peaceably with all

Moreover, kindness as a lifestyle encourages inclusivity and reduces social barriers. It promotes an environment where differences are celebrated rather than criticized, leading to stronger, more cohesive communities. When kindness is ingrained in daily life, it mitigates conflicts and fosters cooperation, ensuring that community members work together towards common goals. 

Ultimately, kindness as a lifestyle nurtures an environment where everyone can thrive. It is the cornerstone of a healthy, vibrant community, where respect and compassion are occasional acts and the essence of daily interactions. 

Friday, July 19, 2024



 Ants always work as a team, allowing them to complete difficult tasks together. They never leave their fellow ants behind when tackling huge projects, such as building a nest or constructing a bridge to cross from one point to another. Ants support each other to achieve their missions!


Have you ever considered applying the teamwork and leadership skills of ants to business management? You would be amazed by their cooperative spirit and effective leadership! For quality results, starting with strong teamwork, like that of ants, is crucial. When ants carry a large object, they all move in the same direction. Isn't it incredible? Ants are so organized and unified that they accomplish their goals as one. 

Now, imagine applying the leadership and teamwork of ants in our businesses. What results could we achieve with the same level of commitment and mindset that ants exhibit in their work? If ants were businesspeople, they would likely dominate every market. The great thing is, we can observe and learn from them. Isn't it fascinating how ants provide a blueprint for successful business practices?

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Faith in Action: Navigating Life's Challenges with Spiritual Resilience

Faith in Action: Navigating Life's Challenges
 with Spiritual Resilience"

In journey of life, we all encounter challenges and the tension between "faith" and "real life." It is within this tension that our faith is truly "reflected." This reflection is where our faith begins to take root and becomes a living, active faith, not merely an intellectual understanding.


This process is where faith grows, matures, and enters new stages, each preparing us for the next challenge or learning experience. Faith that does not involve struggle and reflection becomes stagnant or regressive. Such faith is merely "followed or borrowed" from others, rather than a personal, deeply-held belief. It does not follow and root in the footsteps of Christ.


While facing these challenges and struggles, we might become overly "immersed in the world" or too "reluctant to engage with the world." However, the Lord allows us to navigate these extremes, recognizing that only through this struggle can we discover the true path and dawn of Christian life. It is this journey that sets the Christian life apart from the lives of others.

My prayer:

Dear Lord,

Help me to reflect on the relationship between faith and real life, revealing the profound truths of the Christian journey. I understand that this struggle is essential for my growth, transforming my knowledge of faith into an active and personal faith. Strengthen me to balance living out true faith in my everyday life. In Your grace, I pray.


Friday, July 7, 2023

Gratitude in Redeeming One's Life

Gratitude in Redeeming One's Life

In the pursuit of redeeming one's life and achieving progress on a meaningful journey, there is a profound truth that cannot be overlooked - the significance of gratitude. Gratitude stands resolute as an essential aspect when forging a connection with the divine forces that shape our existence. It serves as a beacon of light, illuminating the path to personal growth and fulfillment. It takes effort to embrace gratitude, but with the guidance of a higher power, it becomes an invaluable tool for reclaiming time and preserving life's essence.

The act of being thankful goes beyond polite acknowledgment; it is a mindset of humility, contentment, and mindfulness toward life's blessings. By focusing on the present moment and appreciating the blessings it holds, gratitude opens doors for transformative experiences. Instead of dwelling on regrets from the past or worries about the future, we can appreciate what we have now.

The journey of redeeming one's life is not without challenges, and it is in these moments that the power of gratitude truly shines. Embracing gratitude during difficult times cultivates resilience and fortitude, offering solace and a sense of purpose during moments of uncertainty. This is where the guidance of a higher power becomes essential. Surrendering to the divine presence provides the strength and assurance that we are not alone in our struggles and that every step, no matter how challenging, has a purpose.

What is Gratitude and Four ways to practice:

God is Closer to us than Death


God is Closer to us Than Death

This phrase, “God is closer to us than death,” stroke me when I was sitting in the Fettes Park Baptist Church listening to the lawyer Ching Soon talking about how God is near us when we face Death. I know so well that I experienced the "Death is so near me" a few times; (1) Sunami on Dec 26, 2014, (2) a big tree falling down on my driver’s seat on Apr 9, 2015 (3) While I was driving on the speedy high towards the Queens Bay, my seat lost it position slides backward... on Dec 19, 2022. All these experiences were life threatened. What “if it had been the Lord who was on my side” (Ps124:1) with me. I would not have been here and shared my experiences in the intimate life with our Lord, PTL! 

The phrase is such a poetic and metaphorical statement that conveys
the idea of God's presence or connection to humanity, and that is
extremely intimate and profound, even in the face of mortality.
It suggests that God's presence and influence in our lives transcend
the boundaries of physical existence and extend to the realm of the
spiritual or eternal.

One possible example to illustrate this concept is a person experiencing a deep sense of spiritual connection and comfort during a near-death experience. In such a situation, individuals often report the feeling of being enveloped by a divine presence or experiencing a sense of peace and transcendence that surpasses the fear and uncertainty associated with death. This example implies even in the face of mortality, God's presence can be felt more acutely, providing solace and reassurance. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Georgia's favourite quotes

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."— Mark Twain