Friday, July 7, 2023

God is Closer to us than Death


God is Closer to us Than Death

This phrase, “God is closer to us than death,” stroke me when I was sitting in the Fettes Park Baptist Church listening to the lawyer Ching Soon talking about how God is near us when we face Death. I know so well that I experienced the "Death is so near me" a few times; (1) Sunami on Dec 26, 2014, (2) a big tree falling down on my driver’s seat on Apr 9, 2015 (3) While I was driving on the speedy high towards the Queens Bay, my seat lost it position slides backward... on Dec 19, 2022. All these experiences were life threatened. What “if it had been the Lord who was on my side” (Ps124:1) with me. I would not have been here and shared my experiences in the intimate life with our Lord, PTL! 

The phrase is such a poetic and metaphorical statement that conveys
the idea of God's presence or connection to humanity, and that is
extremely intimate and profound, even in the face of mortality.
It suggests that God's presence and influence in our lives transcend
the boundaries of physical existence and extend to the realm of the
spiritual or eternal.

One possible example to illustrate this concept is a person experiencing a deep sense of spiritual connection and comfort during a near-death experience. In such a situation, individuals often report the feeling of being enveloped by a divine presence or experiencing a sense of peace and transcendence that surpasses the fear and uncertainty associated with death. This example implies even in the face of mortality, God's presence can be felt more acutely, providing solace and reassurance. 

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